A – Z of OSHC Information

  • There are three levels of priority of access:

    Priority 1 ‐ a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect

    Priority 2 – a child of a single parent who satisfies, or of parents who both satisfy the work/training/study test under section 144 of the ‘A New Tax System’ (Family Assistance) Act 1999

    Priority 3 – any other children.

    Provision will be made for children with additional needs

  • After School Care operates throughout the school year.

    Times: 3:30pm ‐ 6:00pm. The children come to the program when school finishes and are signed in by the staff. Children are signed out by a parent/guardian or approved adult.

    When: School days.

    Places: up to 120 children per session.

    Bookings: To book your child into Before or After School Care, you can see OSHC staff; see over for casual placement bookings. Our direct line is 5244 0567

  • If your child is absent from school and/or the OSHC program and OSHC are not notified, this will be recorded as an Allowable Absence on your account. The fee is equivalent to a normal session fee and Childcare Benefit will be deducted if eligible. Updates of absences claimed will be given during the year. There are 42 allowable absences per child per financial year.

    The Department of Human Services will cancel your enrolment details in their system if your child has not attended childcare for 8 continuous weeks. If they do this, they’ll stop paying your subsidy.

  • Children enrolled at Bellaire Primary School Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) can be assured that the service will provide, as far as practicable, a safe and healthy environment in which children at risk of Asthma can participate equally in all aspects of the children’s program and experiences. Parents/Guardians are required to inform educators, either on enrolment or on diagnosis, of their child’s allergies.

    It is required that Parents/Guardians provide staff with an Asthma Action Plan (signed by a medical practitioner) and written consent to use the Prescribed Reliever Medication device in line with this action plan. Parents/Guardians will complete a Risk Minimisation for Asthma form with an OSHC Educator and provide educators with a CURRENT complete Asthma Kit (Ventolin and Spacer).

  • Educators and Parents/Guardians need to be made aware that it is not possible to achieve a completely allergen-free environment in any program that is open to the whole school community. However, the service will provide, as far as practicable, a safe and healthy environment in which children at risk of Anaphylaxis can participate.

    It is required that Parents/Guardians inform educators, either on enrolment or on diagnosis, of their child’s allergies, provide staff with an anaphylaxis action plan (signed by a medical practitioner) and written consent to use the adrenaline auto-injection device in line with this action plan and complete a Risk Minimisation for Anaphylaxis form with an OSHC Educators. Please be aware the Service uses a generic device, that individual adrenaline auto-injection devices are not transferred from the school to the program. Should you wish to provide the Service with an additional adrenaline auto-injection device for your child, please see the OSHC Co-ordinator for arrangements.

  • Permanent Bookings are a valued provision of the Bellaire Primary School Outside School Hours Care program. Families who hold a permanent booking are required to notify the service of any absence, for example if your child/ren is unable to attend Bellaire Primary School OSHC program due to:

    Illness (including leaving school early)


    Teacher Stop Work


    Failure to notify the service of your child’s absence may see your booking permanently cancelled.

  • Before School Care operates throughout the school year.

    Times: 7:30am – 8:45am. Children must be signed into the program by a parent/guardian or approved adult (18 years and over). Children are signed out by the program staff into the school yard from 8:45am – 9:00am under the supervision of the school staff.

    When: School days

    Places: up to 75 children per session.

  • Appropriate standards of discipline will be maintained through positive guidance directed towards acceptable behaviour. Encouragement is freely given. In our OSHC service the children’s co‐operation is fostered through the presentation of interesting and varied activities. There are occasions however when disciplinary action must be taken to maintain acceptable standards of behaviour.

    Any behaviour which places the children or staff at risk will not be tolerated and the principal will be notified and the parent/guardian will be contacted immediately. Ongoing inappropriate behaviour may result in the child being removed from the service. Please see Coordinator for a copy of our Behaviour Guidance Policy.

  • Permanent places are given priority over casual places. Please see staff to place your child/ren’s name for each day you require a permanent place. (These may be changed at any stage of the year provided vacancies are available.)

    A permanent place is a secure booking for your child/ren.

    • You must notify staff daily of any permanent place absence: before 12 noon for After School Care or before 6pm for Before School Care the following day. This avoids staff searching for children who are not attending.

    • If your child is absent and you have not notified the OSHC Staff or the School office prior to the above times – a session fee will be charged. (See below).

    If you have a Permanent Booking and you cancel the booking OR your child is absent for: –

    • 3 consecutive bookings (i.e. permanent Tuesday booking = 3 consecutive Tuesdays;

    • 5 non-consecutive bookings over a term; your permanent booking will be revoked.

    In the event of a family holiday a holding fee of 50% will be charged to families

    In the case of emergencies / hospital / serious illness where two weeks’ notice cannot be given, then it will be at the discretion of the OSHC management team

    Before and after school are considered a 1-day booking if a child is in both morning and afternoon sessions.

  • To cancel a Before School Care booking, you MUST use the FullyBooked System or contact the OSHC Program BEFORE 6pm on the evening before care is required. Late cancellations will attract the following fees: equivalent to 1 session fee of $11 or part thereof.

    To avoid additional fees, please phone: 52440567 for any cancellations.

    To cancel an After School Care booking, you MUST use the FullyBooked System or contact the OSHC Program BEFORE 12 Midday on the day of care required. Late cancellations will attract the following fees: equivalent to 1 session fee of $16 or part thereof.

    Fees are still charged to cover the additional staff employed to meet regulations for the session numbers as booked.

  • Casual places are only provided if they are available. Bookings can be made in advance for casual care. Please call prior to or on the day of care required to book your child/ren in a casual vacancy. If you cancel before 12 midday on the day of care, you will not be charged a session fee.

  • The Child Care Subsidy is the main way the Government assists families with their childcare fees. On 2 July 2018 the Child Care Subsidy replaced the Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate. The Child Care Subsidy is paid directly to services to be passed onto families.

  • Dates for Curriculum Days will be given at the start of each year.

    Times: 7:30am ‐ 6:00pm.

    When: On pupil free days as notified by the school.

    Places: up to 75 per day

    Fruit and light snack provided – students are required to bring own lunch

  • At Bellaire OSHC we recognise that families are the most important aspect in a child’s life. Their input in encouraged and greatly needed. Parents are encouraged to actively participate in decision making regarding the development and operation of the OSHC Program attended by their children. It is recognised that the care and education of children is a partnership that requires cooperation between parents, staff and managers of the program. Parent representation through the School Council is welcome. There is a suggestion box located at the sign in desk which is an effective way for staff to receive feedback from you about the care of your children.

  • Where a parent/guardian has a complaint, they should immediately contact the coordinator. If the matter cannot be resolved by the coordinator, the principal will then deal with the matter in line with the Schools of the Future Reference Guide.

    There is a suggestion box located on the sign in desk for all to use in the OSHC program. Suggestions and points of interest will also be accepted verbally. Formal complaints/grievance must be submitted in writing. If you have any queries, please see the coordinator or contact the School’s Business Manager.

    If you would like to read the OSHC policies and procedures in more detail there is a Policy Folder available for the perusal of parents, educators, and committee members.

    These documents are continually reviewed and updated. Educators, families, committee members and management will work cooperatively on an annual review of the document and any inclusions or changes required will be discussed at appropriate meeting times.

  • Before care: You must sign your child into the program, using the iPad provided (as it is a legal document). Staff will sign children out at 8:45am when going to class.

    After care: You must out your child from the program, using the iPad provided (as it is a legal document). As you are unable to sign your child in, you need to acknowledge that they were at the program, and sign to say you are taking the children. In line with the School’s Policy, Duty of Care guidelines and in accordance with the programs accreditation process, feel free to see OSHC educators to set this up on the iPad.

    Please ensure that changes to authorised pick up persons are updated regularly – via the FullyBooked System or alternatively see Kirsty in the OSHC office to update your authorised contacts.

  • Coordinator holds a Bachelor of Psychology and Diploma of Children services. All educators working at Bellaire OSHC are qualified (or studying/ working towards) Teachers or Child Care workers, with a Certificate 111 in Children’s services being the minimum requirement. It is best practice for OSHC Educators to have current Level 2 First Aid Training; and to have been trained in Anaphylaxis Management, Asthma Management and Diabetes Management. At least 2 staff will hold an Approved Food Handlers Certificate.

    Bellaire Primary School OSHC program complies with National Quality Standards and follows the Approved Learning Frameworks. The Educator/child ratio is currently set at 1:15 for an OSHC service and is being met by our service. (At no time will any educator work alone in the OSHC program.) Additional relief educators are employed when numbers exceed educator‐child ratios.

  • Families must be enrolled in the program BEFORE they can attend. Enrolments are made through the FullyBooked System.

    Click on the link

    All families whether they wish to claim Child Care benefit (CCB explained in Fees section on next page) as a session rebate or at the end of the financial year MUST have a Customer Reference Number (CRN). Please call the Family Assistance Office today on 136 150 to obtain your number.

  • Before School Care (includes breakfast) $13

    After School Care (includes afternoon tea) $20

    Pupil-free Day Full Day 7.30 am – 6pm $65

    Late pick up after closing time (6pm) $1 per child for every minute or part

    Non-cancellation of booking: Full session fee applies, as the program is staffed based on the anticipated bookings for that

    Notification of fee changes will be made in writing to the OSHC

    Fees are charged for the whole session booked regardless of the number of hours used and for absences where no cancellation has been

    Fees are subject to change depending on economic factors. Further details of Fee Policy are available in the OSHC Policy Manual in the OSHC Office.

  • Breakfast is served between 7.30 – 8.30am and includes a variety of Cereals, Toast, Crumpets, English Muffins, Raisin Toast, Juice, and Milo. Each night children are provided with a light snack. The Snack is provided when the children arrive at the program. We like to promote healthy eating in line with the School’s Healthy Food Policy and therefore limit treats. We offer a variety of fruit and vegetables every night (changing with seasons). Snacks also include dry biscuits, cheese, dip platters, salad wraps, fried rice, popcorn, yogurt/custard, and pasta.

    Please note: We do not have Peanut Butter or Nutella or any solid nut products on premises.

    However, we DO store foods that may contain traces of nuts in the program.

    If your child has any food allergies, please inform the Educators before your child attends, and attach a copy of your Childs Action Plans to the enrolment form.

    • Provide all children with a safe, secure, and inclusive environment that caters to the needs of individual children

    • Strive to maintain a high-quality service in compliance with the National Quality Standard and the Early Years Learning Framework.

    • Promote the value of play and recreational activities which meet the developmental needs and interests of all children

    • Promote healthy choices in relation to nutrition and active lifestyles

    • Promote positive relationships between children and staff, and families and educators

    • Plan the program effectively to offer a wide variety of activities including arts & crafts, cooking, reading, indoor and outdoor games that enhance children’s life skills

    • Create a program that encourages participation and cooperation, assisting children to develop social skills and an appreciation of diversity

    • For Educators to communicate effectively with each other and display professionalism, teamwork, and mutual respect

    • To respect the diversity of children’s backgrounds and abilities and to equitably accommodate the individual needs of each child

    • To maintain a positive discipline policy that is followed by educators and students accessing the program

    • To encourage parental involvement in the program and to seek regular feedback from children and their parents so that further improvements can be made to the program

    • Parents/Guardians are requested to go through the following rules of the program with their children so that the children know what is expected of them when attending the OSHC program.

    • Children are responsible for their own possessions.

    • Children must be seated at designated tables/floor spaces when eating or drinking.

    • Children are expected to pack up materials/equipment they have used before moving on to another activity.

    • Children are not allowed to go outside without an educator being present.

    • Children are not allowed to play in the toilet areas or in areas designated out of bounds.

    • Children must let an educator know if they are going to the toilet and must go in pairs or be escorted to the toilet area by an educator.

  • Children suffering from infectious diseases will be excluded from the OSHC Program for the period stated about each illness or until a medical certificate has been produced. Unwell children must NOT attend the service. Fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, and unexplained rashes are examples of an unwell child. Further information can be obtained from the Coordinator or the School office.

  • Preps – Prep orientation visits during the year at parent’s convenience and you are more than welcome to come and visit our OSHC room before you have your first session. This gives students time to have a look around and become familiar with the OSHC room surroundings, also to meet our fantastic educators and students who attend regularly.

    Parents, please remember to write a note in the school diary for the days your child is booked in. For the first few weeks, the Prep teacher will remind students attending OSHC then students will be collected at the Prep Meeting Spot. (The prep learning community)

    New to OSHC – If you are a new student to the school or to OSHC we will find a buddy for you, or perhaps you will already have a friend in the program on the same night. This buddy or friend will help you find your way and get familiar with our program. You’ll be another member of our large Out of School Hours Care family in no time!!

    Some of the great activities we provide throughout our program include LEGO masters, chess, card games – UNO, skip Bo etc., many art and craft opportunities, outdoor group games, reading/library time, gardening, cooking experiences, playground and sandpit play…. and much more.

    Many of our students help with our planning process which allows for a successful play based and fun program for all.

  • All fees are to be paid weekly. The FullyBooked System allows families to provide bank account or credit card details for direct debit.

    If you encounter any difficulty in payment, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office to arrange a suitable payment plan.

  • Bellaire Primary School Outside School Hours care program provides children enrolled at the school with high quality, reliable and affordable care. The practices at the Bellaire Primary School Outside School Hours Care Program are guided by the “My Time; Our Place; Framework for school age care in Australia.” This document is a nationally recognised framework and provides a foundation for Educators to extend and enrich children’s learning and to support and promote development.

    The OSHC program will ensure that children attending the service have opportunities to engage in leisure and play-based experiences which are responsive to the variety of interests, and choices of the children, and contribute to their ongoing development. The program recognises that children are successful, competent, and capable learners and will provide activities that foster self-esteem, independence and creative thought as well as promote the equity and diversity of the children’s backgrounds and accommodate the individual needs of each child.

    Bellaire Primary School OSHC understands that the role of parents and families is important to both the child and the community, Educators recognise that families are children’s first and most influential teachers, and actively welcome, encourage and respect input from families about the program, their children, culture, and religion.

    Educators at Bellaire Primary School OSHC are qualified staff who understands their role and responsibilities; they acknowledge that the rights and best interest of the child are paramount. Educators provide a high level of care and supervision that protects children from harm, while respecting the child’s dignity and privacy. Appropriate staff: child ratios, currently 1:15 for school aged children, are always followed by the service. Educators work together to maintain and guide children’s behaviour in a positive way, building meaningful, trusting, and respectful relationships and interactions between children and Educators.

  • First and foremost, the interests and safety of the children are considered. Child Profiles are placed with your enrolment form, and we encourage you and your children to complete these online forms so that we have a resource of their interests and other likes and dislikes. The program changes every week and is evaluated at the end of the week. Educators focus on the strengths interests and needs of the children. We maintain a high degree of flexibility and welcome any feedback or requests regarding activities.

    We encourage families to provide input into the program by way of; sharing craft/game ideas, sporting abilities, special talents/skills, other community resources and occupations. The program can be viewed on the parent information board. Play based learning is crucial for children’s development. ‘Play and leisure activities provide opportunities for children to learn as they discover, create, improvise and imagine’ (MYTOP 2011)

    • Art and craft

    • Maths, Science and Technology

    • Gardening

    • Music and Movement

    • Team games

    • Sports g., soccer, tennis, football, volleyball

    • Indoor games and activities g., board games, construction etc.

    • DVD’s /TV G and PG (with parental consent)

    • Imaginative play g., Dress-ups and props

    • Loose part play

    • Occasional Incursions/Excursions

  • Suzanne Prendergast ‐ Principal Phone: 5243 5203

    Kirsty Walker : Coordinator Phone : 5244 0567

    Cathy McHenry ‐ Business Manager Phone: 5243 5203

    The Principal, Suzanne Prendergast, has operational responsibility for the school’s OSHC Program but may delegate to a senior staff member. The principal works in conjunction with the School Council and OSHC Program educators.

  • Medication will not be administered to a child unless the child’s parents/guardians/approved person has given written consent authorising administration. Self-administration is still required to be done in the presence of an appropriately trained educator. Please see the service Policy Document for further details. Medication must be in the correct packaging (package should be intact), clearly show the name of the child and indicate the correct dosage details.

  • Advise the Program Coordinator in writing of any special requirements.

  • Statements are issued weekly and will be emailed where possible. All accounts are processed through the school Office, please contact the office on 5243 5203 for any account queries.