Bellaire Primary School

Prep 2026 Parent Information Evening

Monday 17th March

5.30pm - 6.30pm

Entrance via Larcombe St (follow the signs once you arrive)

The session includes a presentation and school tour.

Welcome to Bellaire Primary School. We are located in the suburb of Highton in Geelong. Students are drawn from both Highton and surrounding areas. At Bellaire Primary School, our school motto is ‘Aim High’. We are a collaborative and innovative learning environment. We place great value on building strong relationships between students, staff, parents, carers, and other visitors within our school community. Our school values are: Be Kind, Be Respectful, and Be Resilient. We actively promote positive behaviour and resilience, ensuring that our students develop the skills needed to thrive both academically and socially.

Our 2024 School Captains wrote our Acknowledgement of Country.

Wominjeka: a word of welcome and greeting.

Together we stand on the traditional Waddarung Land as a Bellaire community.

We are surrounded by Aboriginal culture and history, giving us the privilege to learn, grow and connect on this nunkeri: beautiful country.

On behalf of the Bellaire community, we pay our respects to all elders past, present and all those who are with us today.

They hold the memories, the tradition, the culture and hopes of all our First Nations people.

We acknowledge their unique and beautiful culture and traditions, the way they looked after the land and continue to do so.

About Bellaire Primary School

  • 59-71 Larcombe St. Highton, VIC 3216

    Bellaire Primary School is situated on four hectares of land in the suburb of Highton and provides an attractive landscaped environment with dynamic play areas.

  • The school offers quality Before and After School Care (Outside School Hours Care OSHC).

  • Students come to Bellaire from local pre-schools. The school has experienced an increasing enrolment over the past few years. The school is a member of the Barwon South Schools Network and works closely with other schools in this area. Bellaire has developed strong links with local pre-schools and secondary schools to provide for effective transition from one setting to the next.

  • Bellaire is well known for its innovative curriculum approaches and has received several teaching awards in recognition of this. Teachers in the school work in teams to provide an excellent educational program for all students. Students participate in specialist classes in French, Physical Education, STEAM, Library and The Arts (Visual and Performing Arts).

  • Bellaire aims to develop digitally literate students for the 21st century by purposefully designing curriculum that transforms the way students learn; allowing greater engagement and involvement in their learning. As well as a strong integration of digital technologies in Prep – Year 2, Bellaire also operates a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program for students in Years 3 – 6. These devices are used as tools to support and enhance learning, and do not replace the role of the teacher, nor learning to write using pens/pencils.

  • It is a legislative requirement that all Victorian government schools prepare an Annual Report to the School Community (by 30 April each year) for publication on the State Register. The Annual Report provides principals and school councils with an opportunity to share the year’s achievements and progress with the school community. This includes reflecting on the school’s performance and explaining the positive impact of school improvement efforts on student outcomes. This can be found on our policy page.