
2024 - Term 2, Week 8

Dates for the Diary

  • Monday 10th June - King’s Birthday Public Holiday

  • Friday 21st June - Assembly 3pm/3.15pm

  • Wednesday 26th June - Reports released on Sentral (PM)

  • Friday 28th June - Last day of Term 2, 2.30pm finish time

Message from the Principal

We have three more weeks of term 2 and the weather is starting to cool down! As always there is a lot happening around the school. Teachers are currently completing reports for our students that will be released in the last week of school. Our students are working hard in class and lots of amazing learning is taking place.


Practises are underway for our 2024 school concert! This term the students are beginning to learn their songs and dances. Next term the students will have a practise once a week until the concert in the second last week of term. Ticketing information will occur next term and notes regarding costumes for each class have been sent out.


We have recently transferred to a new website for the school. It is quite similar to our last website however we hope that this will be more user friendly for use on mobile phones.


Yesterday the Leadership Team undertook a site walk of our new building. It was exciting to be able to witness how the building is coming together. In the next few weeks, we will see windows installed, plaster and brickwork / cladding. The building is still on track to be completed prior to the Term 3 school holidays. We will keep updating you in the coming newsletters.


At our School Council meeting on Monday night, we reviewed our School Uniform Policy. You will find the updated policy on the School Website shortly. Below are some of the adjustments that were made during the meeting that we would like to highlight as well as a few other highlights.

  • SOCKS – plain black or white socks

  • SHOES – Appropriate footwear is to be worn (sneakers permitted).

  • HAIR – Any student with hair longer than shoulder length must have their hair tied back to help restrict the spread of nits and lice, and for student safety.

  • LOST PROPERTY (any unnamed lost property is kept in the office)- Unnamed and unclaimed uniform items will be donated to the second-hand uniform store at the end of every term. Please label all pieces of uniform.


As you all will be aware it has been announced that every public-school student will receive a one-off School Saving Bonus. This money is set to be provided in Term 4 and this credit will be applied to their school family account. At this moment in time we do not have any further details around how this will be implemented. Schools have been informed they will receive further information regarding this in Term 3. We will inform you as soon as we find out more information.

Please see the below website if you would like any further clarification.